Start your switch to solar today and get started for FREE
PLUS an additional
$1,000 Equipment Voucher
to customize the system in your home!
Why Lumio?
Lumio handles all the details in your switch to solar—making solar easy and affordable. From design to financing, and from permitting to utility company connection, we have you covered.
We’ll even develop a free personal power energy plan designed for your home.
Our no-risk plan includes a complete solar assessment for your home complete with pricing, finance options, and build time.
Lumio offers!
Faster Installation Nationwide
Lumio is nimble. Our local presence extends to your neighborhood (we often say we've been built from the town up)—so our crews and warehouses are right nearby. Most installations are complete in one day, shortly after permitting and scheduling are complete.
Customized Design
Lumio’s design team uses proprietary software to take each of these data points into consideration while we design a system with your ideal offset target in mind.
Each system designed by Lumio is tailored to meet that home’s specific needs and optimized to squeeze the most power from every ray of sunshine that makes its way to your roof, while also staying within your budget.
Great Savings
. The average solar customer can save over $100 every month on their bill, totaling over $30,000 over 25 years. And that’s just savings on your monthly bill.
Switching to solar is a big investment.
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We’ve made some friends
With tens of thousands of customers across the country it was inevitable 🙂 We like them too
Copyright 2022 | Lumio Home Services, LLC.